The editor’s page, p.2 / PUPPETRY AND THE VOICE / Paul Zaloom on the care and feeding of the voice, p.3 / Martin Reeve on Punch and the swazzle, p.6 / Miss Pussycat on the wonderful world of multi-tracking, p.10 / Ronnie Burkett on performing naked, p 14 / Dassia Posner reviews Nacional Bunraku Theater, p.18 / Faith Bach on speaking for the dolls, p.20 / Terry Fator captures hearts (interview y Rolande Duprey), p.23 / Colettte Searls on training the actor-turned-puppeteer, p.24 / Suzanne Pemsler on PUPPET DIVAS, p.28 / I Nyomen Sedana on wayang kulit voices, p.30 / Kathy Foley on wayang golek voices, p.33 / Steve Abrams on voices that are treasured memories, p.36 / BOOK REVIEWS / Michael Malkin on Lettie Schubert, Virginia Anderson on Joan Gross, Petra Hroch on Carol Fijan, Stephen Kaplin on Fan Pen Li Chen, p.38
Doação de Ana Maria Amaral.