Contents: Mr. Punch's Progress, by Prof. Glyn Edwards, p.3 / Busking, Barking and Bottling, by Major Mustard, p.6 / We DO Iike to be beside the seaside, by Prof Rod Burmett, Prof Martin Bridle and Sue, p.8 / Judy Punches Back, by Prof Caz Frost, p.10 / Carving Mr Punch, by Prof Jingles (Bryan Clarke), p.11/ Western-super-mare and Me, by Prof Rod Burmett, p.13 / Mr Punch in Broadstairs, by Prof Martin Bridle and Su, p.14 / Who's Who in Punch and Judy, by Prof Glyn Edwards, p.15 / Judy, Joan and Pretty Polly, inset 15 / Charles Dickens defends Mr Punch, inset 16 / The Truth about Dog Toby, inset 18 / The Greatest Clown of them all, inset 19 / Collecting Mr Punch, by Prof John Styles, p.21 / Glossary, p.24
Doação de Ana Maria Amaral.