CONTENTS: Preface, p.3 / 1. Study of Traditional Form of Puppetry from Viewpoint of Ethnographical Theatre Theory, by Anna Nekrylowa, p.5 / 2. Hidden Controls, by George Speaight, p.13 / 3. A Contribution to the Bohemian Marionette Theatre, by Alice Dubská, p.18 / 4. An Introduction to the Life and Work of the Portuguese Writer Antonio José da Silva, 1704-1739, by Penny Francis, p.25 / 5. Tibetan Butter Puppets or an Asian Parallel to the European Christmas Puppet Tradition, by Inna N. Solomonik, p.34 / 6. Shifing Triangles: The Interplay of the Three Elements of Bunraku, by Barbara C. Adachi, p.42 / 7. Dramaturgy and the Asian Puppet Theatre, by J. Tilakasiri, p.53 / 8. La Valeur de l'Objet Animé dans le Processus de Dramatisation, by Maryse Badiou, p.57 / 9. Animated Objects A Sensorial and Mystic Approach, by Ana Maria Amaral, p.82 / 10. The Thing Theatre and Thing Language, by Dennis Silk, p.89 / 11. The Acting Puppet as a Figure of Speech, by Henryk Jurkowski, p.97 / 12. New Lunar Taxonomies of the Puppet, by Roman Paska, p.105 / Contributors, p.109
Doação de Ana Maria Amaral.