CONTENTS: / Foreword / I. THE MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY THEATRE / New Form in the Theatre / Naturalism in Perspective / Ibsen: AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE / HEDDA GABLER / THE MASTER BUILDER / Pirandello: Master of the Naked Masks / II. SOME CONTEMPORARY DRAMATISTS / Brecht in 1969 / Brecht artd the English. Theatre / "The Neurosis of the Neutrals": / Max Frisch / Friedrich Dürrenmatt / lonesco and the Creative Dilemma / "Truth” and Documentation: / A Conversation with Rolf Hochhuth / A Czech Absurdist: Vaclav Havel / Günter Grass the Dramatist / Peter Weiss: Dramatist Beyond Brecht and Beckett / THE FUTURE OF THE THEATRE / Violence in Modern Drama / Nudity: Barely the Beginning? / The Theatre of the Absurd Reconsidered / Epic Theatre, The Absurd, and the Future / The Happening / The Role of the Theatre / Index
Doação de Ana Maria Amaral.