TABLE OF CONTENTS / Introduction, by James Fisher, p.V / "Art, Technology and Communication in Animated Theater", by Ana Maria Amaral, p.1 / “Tradition and Theater - Rites and Myths", by Ana Maria Amaral, p.9 / "Besides Bunraku: The Incredible Variety of Japanese Puppetry, by Nancy L. Staub, p.21 / "Traditional Puppets in Belgium", by Freek Neirynck, translated by Stefan Bauwens, p.43 / "Gilgamesh and The Golem: Two Experiments with Puppetry, Folklore and Myth", by Bradford Clark, p.67 / The "Puppetness" of Commedia dell'arte: A Comic Example called The Bogus Bride, by James Fisher, p.89 / "Puppetry As the Tool of Sociality, The Emergence of an Art Form, by G. A. Lane, p.115 / "A Survey of Victorian Marionettists", by John Phillips, p.139 / "Interview with Josef Krofta of Drak Theater, June 1995", by Nancy Bishop, p.179 / "Figures in Motion: A Treatise", by Willem F. Wanrooy, p.205 / Video Review: "Brother Bread, Sister Puppet," reviewed by James Fisher, p.245 / Book Review: "Masters, Disciples, and the Art of the Bunraku Puppeteer's Performance," reviewed by Nancy L. Staub, p.249.
Doação de Ana Maria Amaral.