Macbeth Voltar 04/05/2021 by   Documento V0333-1 Baixar Anexos V0333 Metadados Miniatura Compartilhe CreatorMAX THEATREImage THEATRETypeVídeo / Moving ImageLanguagefa | enFormatDVDCoverage/Location/ExtensionIrãContributorSERVATI, Reza (drt) (adp) | SHAKESPEARE, William (aut) | MIRHAMIDI, Shima (cst) (std) | AFSHAR, Bamdad (sds)SubjectIrãIdentifierV0333DescriptionChosen as the first play production and awarded the best jury prize for directing, light, set, costume design and special mention for actor and sound design in the 12th Iran International University Theatre Festival 2009TitleMacbethITEM NUMBER0333 Continuar navegando Majnoon’s Love Stories Mamulengo Riso do Povo – Mestre Zé de Vina Voltar para a lista de itens